
Experience how a car would look in your garage, as well as to sit inside a car and look at the interiors – all without even needing a car. Merely scan an advertisement, a brochure or any other image and view a model of the car. Choose to sit inside it, in 3D or 360° and immersive yourself in Virtual Reality. Or visit your nearby vehicle dealership and walk around, viewing the cars on display and even sitting inside them.
Example / Use Cases
Automobiles AR/VR
Automobiles AR/VR allows you to experience amazing cars using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Notice an advertisement printed somewhere and the car catches your eye? Scan the image using our app and access videos and links about the car. Not only that, you get to manipulate a 3D model of the car which will appear on the ad, allowing you to see the car from all sides, reduce/enlarge its size and move it around, also tap on the various available colour options to decide in which colour the cars looks the best to you.